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Beach Bash - Electric Avenue
Friday, March 31, 2023

Episcopal School of Jacksonville, Beaches Campus will hold its annual parent social with an 80's theme on Friday, March 31, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Gym and Performing Arts Center.  Join us for a fun-filled evening enjoying cocktails, dinner, music by DJ Vic Micolucci and featuring a silent auction.  

Why Support Beach Bash

ESJ auction proceeds make it possible for our students to experience an unparalleled offering of classes and programs through the school's Four Pillars of Academics, Athletics, Fine Arts, and Spiritual Life.  Students build lasting relationships with a talented and nurturing faculty while being exposed to enriching opportunities both in and out of the classroom.

Tickets and Auction Information

Tickets are available beginning January 31, 2023.  Be on the lookout for more event details and information on exciting auction packages as the date gets closer.  

Beach Bash Volunteer Opportunities

The Beach Bash Committee has a number of volunteer opportunities to support the event.  Please check the Episcopal Insider for more information, or reach out to Ashley Davis at davisa@esj.org / 904-246-2466, x1154.

Beach Bash 2023 Committee Members

Sean Aland 

Mike Bonen

Jane Collins

Erica DeStephano

Kelly Hughes

Jennifer Leslie

Ashley Loewen

Jenn Marsoni

Noel Miller

Amy Pollak

Vanesa Radler

April Slade

Laura Smith

Ashley Uhlemann

Amanda Vargas

Jessica Waugaman

Amanda Wodehouse